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Curogan for dogs

HS Sprenger Curogan for dogs


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1 products in 1 pages
  • Published by on 17/10/2022

    Looks great on my Malis.

  • Published by Tessa on 12/09/2022

    Fit perfectly with the corresponding collar at a great price and reasonable postage time

  • Published by Eli on 18/07/2022

    fixed my leash pulling :D

  • Published by Ma L. on 24/03/2022

    I can confirm this prong collar is genuine. Please do not get put off by the label, as this is standard on the 2.25mm. The newer and larger collars have the thicker labels. Collar is great, must be conditioned and introduced correctly in order for dog to respond well. Do not leave on your dog all day as this is a training tool - and also there is risk of the collar being caught on something like a crate if you are not around.

  • Published by Brianan on 02/12/2021

    Exactly what I wanted

  • Published by Nicola on 14/08/2021

    Excellent product

  • Published by Fanni on 20/04/2020

    Very good! If you’re thinking about buying a prong go with Sprenger please.

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